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Bear Creek Nature Classroom
OUR Community Forestry is collaborating with the Phoenix-Talent School District to create an outdoor education-inspired vision for a parcel of land along Bear Creek in Talent, OR for local K-12 students.
use your voice to shape the vision!
On January 11th, 2025 OUR Community Forestry held a stakeholder meeting which was attened by 23 community members from various backgrounds. Together, they generated over 80 strong and diverse ideas.
You may have missed the meeting, but you still have the oppotunity to shape the vision!
Provide your feedback using the Google Form below:
The form contains the ideas most prioritized by our stakeholders who attended the in-person meeting. Have your own vision? We included space in the form for you to submit additional ideas as well.
Submission accepted through Feb 9th, 2025.