• Urban Forestry Planning

    A Brief Overview of the Process


    Tree Board or Advocates

    OUR Community Forestry assists in the development of tree boards, committees, commissions, or groups, that are collaborators and legacy agents for the future of each partner organization’s urban, rural, and community forestry program


    Data Collection

    Generate and collect high quality LiDAR, GIS mapping, tree inventory data, socioeconomic, heat island mapping, census data, and other data sources, such as health inequity maps.


    The OUR Community Forestry team works with each partner orgainization to professionally analyze the data collected and prepare it for sharing with the community.


    Community Engagement

    We host community listening sessions where we share the data that we have collected, provide insights into how that data can be utilized to form a long range master plan for urban forestry. We listen and recieve feedback on community goals that are included into the plan.


    Adoption of the Master Plan

    OUR Community Forestry drafts an Urban Forestry Master Plan that incorporates the data, the community vision, and the resources of each local community to execute the plan. OUR Community Forestry assists in the presentation of the plan to Boards, City Councils, and other Leadership groups for approval and implementation.



    The Urban Forestry Master Plan outlines a data collection and analisys frequency (typically at 5 year intervals). This reporting is done through LiDAR and I-Tree tools that collect and provide the analysis of the urban forest and track the ecological cost benefits.

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    OUR Community Forestry works with K-12 Schools to create and implement campus forestry plans.

    OUR Community Forestry is grant funded and provides low cost professional guidance to all of our partner schools which will be accreditated as Tree Campus K-12.



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    OUR Community Forestry works with Municipalities to create and implement Urban Forestry Master Plans.

    OUR Community Forestry is grant funded and provides low cost professional guidance to all of our partner municpalities which will be accreditated as Tree City USA.


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    Get in Touch with Mike Oxendine, Executive Director of OUR Community Forestry!

    Sign up for a consultation for your community.